Are you invested in remote training solutions for your school or educational facility?
If you oversee a school or educational organisation, you have a responsibility to keep all your staff’s training topped up. This has never been more important than it is right now, with the world emerging from the throes of the pandemic. Teaching staff have been under significant pressure for a prolonged period, and it’s time that we started checking in and making sure we are all still up to date.
Remote teaching has soared among all this since it is seen as a primary safe way of delivering lesson plans to students without the risk of viral exposure. Around the world, governments have encouraged teaching staff to teach online where possible, using video chatrooms instead of the traditional class.
The Impact of Remote Teaching
While all of this has managed to stem the transmission of coronavirus in our schools, it has left a huge hole in our front lines. Teachers either do or do not understand the digital workspace. We have lost a swathe of staff that were finding things difficult before all of this and were then asked to start teaching via the internet. Remote teaching has been helpful, but it has increased the workload of our teaching staff, shortened lessons to a couple of hours a day, and stopped practical assessments from taking place altogether.
Remote teaching is both a pro and a con. Whatever impact it has had on our school systems, it’s time that we check up on our training and catch everyone up.
How to Train for Remote Teaching
After this prolonged period of closures and potential lockdowns, it is time to look at what training we can issue to help staff resume control. Let’s review.
Compliance Training
Core compliance training needs to be attributed to someone in your school. At least one person, preferable a head teacher, should take core compliance training annually to ensure they are staying abreast of government regulations. School compliance training keeps everyone on the right side of the law.
Computer System Training
Take this momentary lapse in waves of the virus as a time for training up on computer skills. This might mean sending staff on online training courses that teach them how to use your spreadsheet or database or filing systems. You could send one teacher off to study how to use social media, or how to teach advanced word documentation through online systems. Cloud computing will play an adequate part in the coming years of teaching.
Safeguarding Training
The UK Government, as well as other leaders around the world, have made safeguarding training in schools a mandatory requirement. With all that has been going on, centres have been closed for training. You can take full courses in this online, though. Remote teachers deserve remote training opportunities that they can study from their own home.
Top up Training to Prevent Poor Schooling
In the world of teaching, a constant review of your teacher’s skills is the only way to stay ahead of target grades. Keep your training up to date and reap the benefits.